How Was Your Top Surgery Recovery?

Beware of constipation! I don't think I took a crap for 6 days after, due to the meds lol sorry for the TMI! That lead to my stomach looking like I was 6 months pregnant, which was made worse by the fact that my chest was super flat so there was nothing to "even out the curve", so that was a little emotionally distressing.
My doc said as soon as I was off meds, I should be able to drive. I was in the car (auto + powersteering) 5 days after the op. What I learnt the hard way is going to a mall where you have to collect a parking ticket at a boom gate is not possible. I am 3 weeks post op now and can just-just do it.
On a psychological note, I felt a lot more bare without a shirt after the op than I did before it. As much as I ached for it and thankfully never felt any down or sad emotions after, it felt odd. It's different. You do need time to adjust both physically and psychologically to your new body.
The coolest thing though is putting on your favorite T-shirt and it sits just right!

One thing I don't see mentioned too often is moving. Try and move (gently, and not excessively) in the days immediately following the op, as staying stationary for very long periods of time can cause DVT. I would switch between the couch and bed every few hours, and would do aeroplane exercises if I was sitting in one spot for long.
The first few days may be the worst for caregivers, as you may need to take pain and/or anti-inflammatory meds every 6 hours. What my mom did for the 2am run...she made my sandwich before bed, put it somewhere accessible for me with water and the pills, so when I woke I could eat and take it myself. I only woke her when I couldn't reach it, if it fell or something. Going to the toilet was a little tough the first day, but I lived in boxers after that which made the process a lot easier. Someone may need to wash and lotion your back...don't neglect lotion on hard to reach areas as dry skin becomes itchy AF!
You can have your caretakers leave essentials (water, snacks, cell phone and charger etc) at shoulder level and reachable without stretching, which will decrease your need to depend on them for every little thing.

Hope that helps :)

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