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What is the last verse to have been revealed in the Noble Qurʾān?

‘’ “” ʾ ā ʿ ḥ ī ū ẓ ṭ ḍ ṣ Ā Ḥ Ī Ū Ẓ Ṭ Ḍ Ṣ

The verses that the Mufassirūn mentioned as being the last verse to be revealed in the Noble Qurʾān are:

  1. The verse: “Beware of a Day when you will be returned to God: ...” (Qurʾān — 2:281) from Sūrat Al-Baqarah.

  2. The verse: “They ask you [Prophet] for a ruling. Say, ‘God gives you a ruling a about inheritance from someone who dies childless with no surviving parents. ...” (Qurʾān — 4:176) the last verse from Sūrat An-Nisāʾ.

  3. The verse: “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves...” (Qurʾān — 9:128) to the end of Sūrat Barāʾah.

  4. The verse: “... Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, ...” (Qurʾān — 5:3) from Sūrat Al-Māʾidah.

  5. Sūrat An-Naşr: “When God’s help comes and He opens up a your way [Prophet], ...” (Qurʾān — 110:1-3)

And to show the correct and accurate statement concerning which verse amongst these verses is the last verse to be revealed in the Noble Qurʾān, we will gather the sayings of the Mufassirūn about that. So [we begin]: It has been mentioned in Ruḥ al-Maʿānī in the tafsīr of the verse: “Beware of a Day when you will be returned to God: ...” (Q.2:281) that: “More than one person narrated from Ibn ʿAbbās — raḍīAllāhu taʿālā ʿanhumā — that the verse: “Beware of a Day when you will be returned to God: ...” (Q.2:281) is the last verse to have been revealed in the Qurʾān, and they differed on the period in which he ﷺ stayed [before his death] after it, so some said: ‘nine nights,’ some said: ‘seven days,’ some said: ‘three hours,’ some said: ‘twenty-one days,’ some said, ‘heighty-one days.’” Until he said: “This does not contradict the [other] narration from Ibn ʿAbbās — raḍīAllāhu taʿālā ʿanhumā — on the last verse to be revealed, in what al-Bukharī, Ibn ʿUbayd, Ibn Jarīr and al-Bayhaqī, from al-Shaʿbī — raḍīAllāhu taʿālā ʿanhu — that he said: ‘The last verse to be revealed from God to his messenger — ﷺ — the verse dealing with usury (ar-Ribā),’ and similarly what al-Bayhaqī narrated from Ibn al-Musayb from ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, .............. : ‘What is meant [in these narrations] is that the last verse from the verses dealing with ........... is the verse dealing with usury (ar-Ribā), or that what is meant is that this verse is among the last verses to have been revealed, just like what was narrated by Imām Ahmad points to.’”

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