Sorry test.. it won't happen again

Gee, you attacked a hotblooded newbro and didn't expect me to take you seriously. Why did you not see that when I first talked in local?

Calm. Calmnes- nope I'm getting angry again

Firstly, I did not use "Elite" under the terms you used. You hold yourself highly. The fact that this thread exists is because you hold yourself highly enough that you wanted to turn something that should get you laughed at- considering a mining vessel as a reasonable kill- and morph it into a form that instead is meant to humiliate me. That is what I meant, that somehow looking for a fight makes you a better fighter, or Elite.

Second, your claim is a lie. You were deliberately looking for a fight in local, no doubt. I may not have logs, but at least I can be honorable.

Third, I am not mad that I was attacked. I would have grabbed another Venture, shit happens, go back to working my way out of virtual poverty. I was angry that you took the tactic of madmen and tried to make it look sane. Flying solo into enemy space is the territory of covert and black ops ships, not an interceptor that needs to pad a kill list. Any sane corp would kick you out for doing something so stupid and wasteful as hunting reds in their home without backup. Unfortunately, it seems your corp is basically low-skill pirates who throw themselves at targets, hoping to be the next Goonfleet. That being said, I wonder how many ships you lose doing this.

I was also angry that you basically taunted Test, and said we're shit without typing into local. I mean, what kind of Alliance can't protect their players in their own space?

Oh, and good luck getting a honorable battle out of a newbro with 2 fight-capable frigates.

/r/Eve Thread Parent