HuffPost is completely perplexed about why people with Economics degrees make more than those who major in Ethnic Studies.

Such sexism.
First, men can take care of kids just as much as woman, so, anything you just said is just as applicable to men as women.

It's just that women get the privilege of getting the kids more often than men, IF THEY DECIDE THEY WANT CUSTODY. Maybe the solution is to fix the courts, so that men can also get custody.

Second, if they don't want to have kids, keep kids, and have to raise kids, and all the associated costs, whether they end up single after or not, then they shouldn't choose to have kids in the first place.
You take people who decide to have kids, get divorced, and then fight for custody, and you want to make me believe that it's everyone else fault? You just project their responsibility on other people, and call that a "tax", and want to bring that into arguments about wage gap? Are you fucking kidding me? XD

That's as patently stupid as me saying that I'm "taxed" because I decided to get a hedgehog, and didn't "realize" that keeping it would have costs.

Third, this has nothing to do with how much two people with the same job are getting paid.

Basically, your point isn't that wage aren't different for the same work, just because two person don't have the same sex, you point is that, because you DECIDED to have kids, you DECIDED to not have an abortion, and then you DECIDED to fight for custody, you are somehow entitled to other people's money.

How about these people deal with what their decisions entails, like adults, instead of asking for handouts for every single decision they didn't think through?

Oh no, seems that kids cost something! I'm justified in feeling entitled to your money!
Oh no, seems that taking two years to travel abroad means I have less work experience than my peers, and I am payed less! I'm justified in feeling entitled to your money!
Oh no, seems that asking for more time off means that I don't also get to be paid more, my choice means I'm getting paid less! I'm justified in feeling entitled to your money!
Oh no, seems like preaching radical sexist anti-men "facts" at work got me in trouble with HR, and I lost my job in the latest layoffs! I'm justified in feeling entitled to your money!
Oh no, I choose an easy major which leads to absolutely no employability. Now I'm unemployed, and I have 90000$ in debt! I'm justified in feeling entitled to your money!

Hey, maybe you want to bring out the edge case of that one woman who gets raped, is "forced" to not have an abortion, and "forced" to not put up the kid for adoption!
Are you suggesting that women aren't allowed these choice, or you are suggesting they are not strong enough to choose these options, or you are plainly insinuating they are stupid?

All you've said is "there are single mothers out there, so why aren't they given the same amount of money as other people (including women), who choose to not have kids".

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