In a huge "fuck you" to Jeff Sessions, the Vermont House of Representatives voted 81-63 in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana merely hours after Sessions removed protections for states that have voted to legalize. Badass, Vermont. Badass.

Then I guess you'll never bother to have a conversation with the other side, because you'll just quickly jump to labeling them pedophile supporters or Nazis.

Here's the problem - you are literally supporting a party / people that have defended or excused Nazi terrorism and pedophilia in Alabama. That is the moral red line for any sane human being. I am purposefully shutting you out because of how unacceptable those things are. They do NOT belong in national, common discourse. Like, wtf? Hello??

It's literally comments like these that just embolden my views, by the way. Congratulations.

Oh my god not this stupid talking point again.

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