Humans are awesome. We should populate the hell out of this planet, harness the power of our Sun, and then conquer the stars with steel and fire.

You should watch dominion or other videos if you think that they treat animals humanely, and you say I deny science but you give me wrong evidence and ignore the citations I gave you proving you wrong and even if it was 10% that’s still a fuck ton. And you say there should be a fishing limit, that won’t stop anything bi catch catches and kills a lot of fish without even taking them. The fishing limit isn’t sustainable as we have already done way to much damage to the oceans to have sustainable fishing. Also they put pigs in gas chambers and clip their tails and teeth when they are young and most pigs never even see the sun. The reason they clip them is because they go insane in the environment we put them in so they attack each other or themselves. Cows are treated like trash and stand in their shit all day and when they have a kid they take the kid away from them as soon as it’s born and milk the mother. Cows have also been genetically bred to produce way more milk then needed and produces a lot of injuries. Chickens use a lot of calcium to make eggs and 50% of egg laying chickens break their bones. And the ones used for meat are huddled together where they can barely move and they kill each other a lot spreading a lot of diseases. A lot of our antibiotics go to animal agriculture, also you still don’t acknowledge my points about land use water use and how the industry is polluting clean drinking water rivers and oceans causing dead zones. They also are killing a lot of species and getting rid of a lot of natural land farming for meat is the most inefficient thing we can do to get food and our population is rapidly growing if we keep this up (assuming global warming magically goes away) we would have no land for people left as most of it is used to grow food for cattle or cattle themselves.

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