
I got into an argument with someone the other day. Asked if I was vaxxed. I said no. He told me I was a terrible person.

To which I replied "I'm 30. Right at the right weight (6'4" 210 Lbs). Strong as an ox. Never get sick. Work online, from home. Don't travel. Don't throw parties. More of a homebody. Unvaccinated, but only go to the grocery store during hours when there aren't many people there. And stay away from everyone. While wearing the stupid mask, and using the stupid sanitizer. I don't squeeze every loaf of bread. I roll the dice and just go with the first one. I'm quite careful, because I don't want to end up being ammo for the Vax Cults Kool Aid party."

He says "yeah, but you're taking all the fuckin hospital beds!!"

I said "there are more vaxxed people in hospitals than unvaxxed, at least in my part of the world. Substantially more"

He replies "Well thats not fair, because there are more vaxxed than unvaxxed"

So I stopped him there... "You do understand that if I were to go to a hospital right now, and there were 5 people in front of me. Based on statistics, at LEAST 3 of them would be vaccinated. Closer to 4 of the 5. But we're stealing all your beds?"

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