[HUMOR] The one thing regarding ‪Guggenheim‬ we can get behind.

Because the ideology of promoting somebody like Trump is someone who is outside the system who alone knows how to fix it as it is entrenched and corrupt (like a vigilante to a cop). Oliver and company also constantly practice corporal punishment and see torture as an effective measure of interrogation. I don't agree with either of those things (especially that Trump is the answer to corruption for goodness sake) but looking at it from a conservative POV seems like it's up their alley no?

And sure the characters do often espouse socially progressive POVs (which is why I as a social progressive am at times able to look away from the more alarming elements) & the creators probably think they're being apolitical as the more conservative stuff is part of the tropes of the genre. I'd argue that actions speak louder than words myself but I still watch so their reasoning mustvwirk to some extent.

Anyway I'm not saying only conservatives can enjoy the show or find their ideology represented. Just saying if you're a conservative who doesn't watch because the creators are liberals and/or hate Trunp, watching the show might make you feel as if it reflects different values than the creator. Again, I'm a super liberal and obviously a super fan.

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