(Humorous or serious) with the recent Expert Action Badge happening, if your respective field had an expert badge, what would be the events??


  • Take a promising, possibly shady girl, on a date, develop a positive relationship, then unexpectedly end the relationship like the wild card bitch you are.

  • Play hide and seek with some preschoolers, capture one, interrogate him to find the locations of the other hiding preschoolers, forward the coords to some dudes to call for fire.

  • Outdrink a friend of a friend of yours to get the low-down on the latest drama.

  • Grow a beard and wear the fuck out of some khakis.

  • Speak in tongues to some village randoms, they smile awkwardly at the effort.

  • Write a half dozen reports in a couple hours.

  • Talk mad shit.

  • Develop a drinking solution.

  • Cry internally because never do your job because you're in an overstrength and mismanaged MOS, so don't pass GO and don't get your EAB and ETS full of disappointment as you spent your efforts at the motorpool and in s-shops gaining zero relevant experience to your chosen job field, but only after peacocking full of bitter pride to all the intel nerds who actually got to do their jobs in some capacity.

/r/army Thread