Hundreds of people in Central Park run towards a newly spawned Vaporeon

Thanks for not reading the link I posted. It clearly states that it's a bad game but it doesn't matter because it's going to be popular. Thanks also for taking the typical 'omg were socializing go away you hater'-type comment.

I'm not shitting on people walking and socializing. I'm shitting on the people who make living in your own house a hell because your neighborhood randomly becomes a hotspot, or people being retarded as fuck and not watching where they're going when walking or driving, and causing accidents as a result of that inattentiveness.

If you have no other means of socializing, and do this game to get out and exercise and talk with people, then good for you! But don't mindlessly claim that there's no harm being done by some people playing this game.

Please go read my rant about this and then get back to me.

I, too, can't wait until this drops off the radar and nobody but the fanboys play it.

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