The Hunt for Red Jenny


2015-02-04 20:18:13 UTC

So, head cold? Head cold.


2015-02-04 21:00:51 UTC

@PatrickWeekes I am doing so much WRITING and NAMING while you're gone. You will be proud. (Feel better soon.)


2015-02-04 21:04:33 UTC

@camharr But are you putting in enough references to musical theater?


2015-02-04 21:05:29 UTC

@PatrickWeekes @camharr Moar Hunt for Red October.


2015-02-04 21:06:31 UTC

@stumpynat @camharr Oh god that's right, that Russian National Anthem like actually shipped. Ahhh, memories.


2015-02-04 21:10:46 UTC

@PatrickWeekes @camharr Whaaaaat? :D How did I miss this?!


2015-02-04 21:11:54 UTC

@stumpynat @camharr Start of Geth Dreadnought mission in ME3. Joker throws it out because you know he'd watch submarine movies.


2015-02-04 21:12:34 UTC

@PatrickWeekes @camharr Oh, RIGHT. :D I didn't miss it, whew. I thought you meant DA:I.


2015-02-04 21:13:19 UTC

@stumpynat @camharr It is SLIGHTLY harder to sneak a Hunt for Red October reference into Dragon Age.



2015-02-04 21:16:52 UTC

@PatrickWeekes @stumpynat @camharr [Imgur]

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