Husband Jerking off while on duty

You two deserve each other. Both self-serving, to keep seeking the fulfilling yourselves with what only ever appears to be very temporary in ways that the brain’s mental conditioning conceived as being “violating” of one another.

And even more so the needs of “my” (the individual) will come before those children. They are already are. Mom’s snooping, doesn’t mind violating his privacy to prove her insecurity is real and it’s dad’s fault mom is insecure. While dad isn’t holding up his part of the agreement and when mom is gone he can do things in secret he doesn’t feel comfortable doing it when she’s around and isn’t really concerned much with how much the children are watching dad because he’s watching porn to seek fulfilling the ecstasy that seems to be missing.

Mom’s very personal quest for answers from perfect strangers and need to vent and tell others her horrors are coming true and what should she do about you? You’re at fault and the strangers who don’t know her, don’t know you, and don’t know what’s happening over there other what mom is saying are reinforcing mom’s side of the story is true while dad is the root of mom’a and the children’s suffering and is endangering them. Even the strangers are seeming like they are putting the children’s well-being first by driving mom and dad further apart. Those children will always come second in the story of the individual always seeking to meet it need to be rid of this dissatisfying experience that’s happening to “me.”

/r/relationship_advice Thread