Husband [M/early 30s] does not want me [F/late 20s] to pursue my medical specialty of choice.

This. Don’t be cowed into a career path you don’t want to save this man’s ego.

Also - OP as educated and capable and intelligent as you clearly are, you come across as beyond naive to the power dynamics in male/female relationships. Not insulting you. I’m saying this to make you aware because inevitably, there are varying types of people you will not doubt be making contact with soon, in the medical world as a neurosurgeon. Because yes, that is what you will become. And those people are going to be for the most part, intelligent and egotistical men. Men testing you, pushing your boundaries and authority, and playing power games with you will one day be so second nature to you, you’ll be able to see it coming a mile away. This relationship is a lesson to you, to open your eyes this now to learn from it. Here’s a couple things I’d suggest.

Dump his ass. Set that boundary clear and firm: no one but you will ever dictate your career path. This is good practice for you in Boundary Setting. Everyone has a metaphorical line in the sand when it comes to what they will not tolerate in their personal relationships. You’ve found one of yours. Defining and defending your own clear personal boundaries is a part of being emotionally mature, and also encourages healthy relationships. Look into boundary setting!

Secondly, research emotional abuse. Often, controlling people become emotionally abusive in order to achieve that control. I can’t say for sure if this is the case with this relationship, only you can, but find out for yourself, and if so, educate yourself on signs to look for that another person is being emotionally abusive and/or manipulative.

And just so you know, there WILL be someone out there who will be a true and EQUAL partner to you, who sees you for the individual deserving of achieving their wildest dreams, and will only want to share in and better your life, not detract from your light. And he’ll be way waaay better than Mr. Get Thee In A Nursery. (Bleh lol)

Be strong. I believe in you.

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