Husbands and wives that got divorced after 20 years of marriage, what made you decide to change your mind after all that time?

After 20+ years of marriage my father gathered the family and told us that he wanted to divorce my mom. Me, my mom and two younger sisters where devastated, they had been fighting alot over the years and it had become "normal" to me, i was 17 at the time.

The day after the whole family sat down and my father explained to us that the reason he wanted to separate was because my mother had an affair when i was five years old, and he had been struggling ever since. But after seeing the family so broken, they decided to give it another chance.

My sisters who were 13 and 8 at the time forgot about the whole thing pretty quickly, i guess they weren't old enough to really understand what almost happend.

One of my first memories as a kid was the fight that they had when he found out, i remember trying to comfort my mother because i thought my dad was being mean by yelling at her. After i found out what really happen i was furious at my mother. I have never looked at her the same way after that, but i never told her, i still love her because she's my mom, and telling her how i feel would crush her.

Me and my father have a closer bond than ever, and after what he did (deciding to stay with my mom after the affair because of me) i have endless respect for him. He is by best friend, my hero, and all good qualities i have as a man i thank him for.

Six years later and they are still going strong, i just hope it lasts, and that they are happy.

/r/AskReddit Thread