Hussein Hamdani: De-Radicalizating Muslim Youth

Islam is 4 things at the same time, one religion and 3 other things that are completely incompatible with Canadian society (or any other society but Islam for that matter).

Islam is:

  • A religion, an Abrahamic monotheistic religion that is based on Judaism and Christianity. Muslims believe that the sole purpose of existence is to worship God.

  • A Justice system: Sharia law in Islam completely replaces the rule of law (what they call Man made law) and replaces it by the rule of religious law which they claim was dictated by Allah.

  • A social organisation system, Islam creates a hierarchy system where believers (only True Muslims) are righteous and the rest are infidels (Kafirs) who are unworthy of freedom or possessions.

  • A political system, where the will of God replaces democracy, where an "assembly of experts" in religious law make the decisions that affect everyone.

Because of that, Islam is incompatible with the Canadian society in:

  • Freedom of speech is frowned upon in Islam, the word of God is the only truth.

  • Freedom of religion: Only Islam is the true religion, all other are infidels and infidels have no rights and should be enslaved.

  • Democracy: Democracy is useless in Islam as all decisions are made by religious leaders.

  • Freedom of choice: Islam says that infidels are unworthy of possession or freedom, that gays must be killed, that opponents to Islam can be killed...

Why is Islam so bad and why don't Muslims realize it?

Because Islam teaches that the Qur'an is the perfect word of God, that all religions who came before Islam are imperfect and that all religions that come after Islam are false.

Since Muslims follow the perfect word of God, then Muslims are perfect and shielded from mistakes. It is then obvious to all true Muslims that only the Kafir can be mistaken and thus the Kafir are responsible for all the problems in the world while the Muslims are not responsible for anything.

Why can't they just put aside the bad parts of Islam and celebrate the good parts?

Because they simply can't, they are not allowed to!

This explains why Muslim extremists kill as many Muslims as they kill infidels, it gave rise to the expression "true Muslims" where anyone who does not respect Islam to the letter is a "false Muslim" and must be killed.

It explains also why all those "moderate Muslims" aren't doing anything about it, they are simply too afraid to speak out and, if the extremists got their way, they would join the extremists in killing infidels in order to prove that they are "true Muslims" just like the good people of Germany once followed the Nazi in committing atrocities.

What can we do?

The only thing we can do is to protect our Canadian Muslim population from the influence of the extremists... By banning extremists from entering the country to teach their propaganda, by identifying those in the Muslim community might harbor dangerous ideas and neutralizing them and by making sure that any Muslim person who expresses fears of violence or mistreatment from a member of her/his community is immediately believed and protected...

What can Canadian Muslims do?

To make friends outside their community and put their religion where it belongs: As an nice cultural tradition but nothing more...

Islam is no more true than eny of the previous 3500 religions which have graced human culture for the past 100,000 years.

TLDR: For mankind to survive, religions have to die!

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