Hutch on SBMM

I'm torn, on one hand every other game I play that has SBMM (Valorant, CS, LoL) works fine for me and I appreciate the system matching me with players who are approximately the same skill level as me.

But on the other hand, I really don't like SBMM in CoD specifically for some reason, the game just becomes so much less fun to play with it on. I played the free weekend for Cold War a few months ago, first few games were super fun, I had a great time playing with my friends who were also playing for the first time. I played a ton of BO2/Ghosts back in the day so I had pretty good fundamentals, so I guess the next day I got on the game recognized this and started putting me into lobbies that I honestly had no business being in. Least fun experience I've ever had playing a CoD game and I never played again.

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