
Act 1

Storms caused power outages Clocks have backup batteries, but were removed Clock in utility room was missed

Act 2

Nobody knew what time it was Except [], who had a watch they stole Meant to throw off the time of Kieran's death

Act 3

Baited out Akoma with threatening letter When Kieran was alone, [] came in and broke bottle to alert, Then shoved Kieran into the west side electrical box This cut the power to the west side, but not east They switched labels for the electrical boxes Tua was in west when it happened, and noticed lights in east, but couldn't enter because automatic doors were shut

Act 4

[] made it to a hallway light switch, where many were, and flickered and turned off the lights, before smashing light switch We all thought lights went out for the entire wing, since all doors were shut Then went around to seem like they were coming from rooms Joined main crew and Akoma in going to the electrical room Discovered Kieran's body

Act 5

In the chaos, [] went to clean up their mess They disposed of wire cutters, hammer, and broken light switch in different trash cans

Act 6

Went to utility room and secretly restored lights They noticed working clock, but it was too late Knowing what time it was when east and west wing lost power was crucial

It all adds up to you being the culprit, Luko Vixen, Ultimate Lip Reader!

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