The hyperbolic time chamber 1 Day = 1 year wasn’t accurate

I’ll explain my reasoning here. We start off knowing that 1 minute of real time equals roughly 6 hours of time in the chamber. You would have to find a common unit that being minutes and 6 hours is 360 minutes. So One minute in real time is 360 minutes in the chamber. Next you would have to bring those numbers into seconds so you would multiple both of them again by 60. Getting 60 seconds real time and 21,600 seconds in the chamber. Than to get 1 second you would have to divide by 60 again this time getting 1 second in real time and 360 seconds in the chamber. The reason their is a .25 at the end is the exact conversion between 1 minute real time and chamber time varies. The source I looked at said 6 hours and 15 seconds so I used that.

/r/dbz Thread