I think I found the ultimate way to low-key piss off everyone around you.

This was the scariest thing for me. 2018 was the year I rid myself of McD and 10 months later I'm happy to report it's gone well. Thing is, while I rid myself of McD, I was overeating elsewhere since my mindset was "Hey, at least it ain't fast-food like McD!". Took up calorie counting 2 months ago and I only then realised how unhealthy my current diet was despite not having any McD. Really changed my mind and has helped me lose some weight. Still not eating McD though but that's mainly due to it tasting like shit here.

The scariest part came when one day, our of sheer curiously I entered my old, regular drive thru menu in my counting app to see how many calories I had been consuming over the last 2 years. More than 2000. Just dinner. Once a week at least. Jesus fucking christ that's a lot. My consumption now is barely 1600 a day and here I was for the last 2 years casually consuming 2k calories just for dinner. That honestly made me sick just thinking about it.

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