I think I’m cursed

What is the age of these guys? Most guys want sex because it's like this intense feeling they can't fight back against. Some are better at controlling it, some are into different things, and some are completely wrecks. Without any notice all the girls/guys around them have become these random kids to... things they can have sex with. And, it's confusing. Really, really confusing.

I don't acually want to have sex. Ever. That doesn't mean I was any less confused. It doesn't mean I didn't try and look at both genders the way all my friends did. I have straight and gay friends. Both of them are overly sexual. Then you have me who is like... "Wait.. really?" whenever they will gawk about how hot someone is. As the outsider here I've learned a few things.

It's kind of like chewing gum. Whenever you get a new piece of gum it tastes so good. The flavors just tingles your mouth. But, then the flavor starts to fade. Even the long lasting gum can't stay fresh forever. And, now you're stuck with the choice to keep chewing in the hopes the flavor returns or get a new piece of gum. Sometimes people just get bored. It doesn't mean it's something wrong with you, but just that sometimes the gum's flavor just won't come back. No matter how much you may want it to.

I'm all over the place here. Guys like sex. It's something that pretty much every guy has to deal with. Every guy has their own experiences and comes across different results. Some guys just want sex and that's it. That is true. But, you also have guys like my friend who cared more about finding his soul mate then sex. After about three years of dating they are now engaged.

Don't give up, and be patient. The right guy is out there. He may not be ready yet. Maybe he's not ready for the long lasting gum. But, one day he will be.

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