I think I may have orgasmed during a physics test

r/TwoXChromosomes I think I may have orgasmed during a physics test u/probablywithmydog Super strange, I know.

I've known for a long time that when I am taking a really difficult test and I am running out of time on it, all the blood in my body rushes to my vagina and I get an intense lady boner. I've never had as intense boners as I do during really hard tests.

This physics test may have been the most difficult thing I've ever taken. I only had like 10 minutes left and still half the test to do, and i felt the pressure build up in my vagina really intensely. It kept on building and building until my vagina was pulsating and it felt like it was opening and closing and opening and closing for a good 10-15 seconds.

Was this an orgasm?? I'm a teenager and have never managed to orgasm before. I know that other women describe orgasms as the same pulsating feeling but I never experienced any "wave" or sudden relief after all of the buildup.

98 Comments492

Best Write a comment Tarantulady • 1h If no pleasure, it could be pre-orgasmic contractions. If pleasure followed with relief or tiredness, sounds an awful lot like orgasm!

● ficcionella • 1h Sounds to me like you were well on your way to an orgasm but you didn't quite peak! Generally, there would be a conclusive burst of pleasure followed by a satisfying sense of release. I can't speak for all women, but when I orgasm, my entire body electrifies into this grand crescendo of pleasure that leaves me breathless. I also immediately start laughing afterwards but that's probably just me?

● marshmellowfluff88 • 50m I wish I was a laugher, I’m a cryer which is kinda awkward

● gnomele • 28m SAME HAHAHA but crying post sex cuddles are the best tbh :D

● ThisIsMyCouchAccount • 13m Please tell me you warn people beforehand.

● nudiestmanatee • 1h I'm a laugher, too :)

● ficcionella • 1h Yes! It's almost the best part.

● GoldenMapleLeaf36 • 55m I laugh too!

● ChrisBoshStoleMyBike • 30m My wife, the crier, crawls into a ball after... lol true stuff

● Abba_Fiskbullar • 6m That sounds like she's experienced sexual trauma in her past.

● 903012 • 2m Wow you concluded that from a 12-word sentence? You must be an amazing psychologist

● AngerySocialistGirl • 49m I laugh too! I always thought it was just me...

● Theresafiesta • 17m Laughers unite! I always thought I was alone in this!

● awildwoodsmanappears • 49m Beats crying after orgasm! I dated a woman who did that regularly

● DarkFaja • 6m I cry after an orgasm too, but that's because a sin in the eyes of the Lord /s

● Crashoverride0010 • 46m This is awkward

● HaltAndCatchTheKnick • 8m Kinda.

● mifilsm1 • 9m Nope I'm male and I also tend to laugh immediately afterwards.....I think it's a lot more common than you'd suspect, either that or were just lunatics.

● pooface84 • 1h I would say if you’ve gotta ask it wasn’t. I didn’t orgasm until I was 19 & when I did. Gawdamn! Sounds like lead up to me. Or equivalent of lady wet dream. Enjoy your future tests!!

● polepoleyaya • 1h Sounds more like you were on your way, which is always nice. Once you climax, you know. It’s very wow and relaxing.

● Heisenbread77 • 1h You like physics more than I do!

● Jacobahalls • 1h I know that I am a man but wanted to chime in that this is the exact same thing that happens to me. I have never actually orgasmed but the sensitivity down there is crazy during an extremely difficult test and this seems to only happen to me during a test. I do feel like that I could pop at any moment if I added any stimulation.

I'm just so glad I'm not alone!!

● AKnapp2266 • 1h Maybe you 2 can get together and do some crossword puzzles together. Ooo yeah, or solve some rubix cubes.

● Kuppopotamus • 1h this sounds like an anime

like they are both chess masters and they meet each other in the finals of a tournament where they both orgasm from chessing so hard

● davidmobey • 1h Typical hentai plot

● General_Kenobi896 • 24m lmfao. That does indeed sound like some weird anime plot

● hackabilly • 1h They should put thier love to the test.

● floatable_shark • 1h Brilliant.

● gigixox • 21m

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