IAM a Family Violence Counsellor AMA

The first main factor is that men after a break up or divorce and better financially placed, at least empirically speaking. In my country, men have better job and pay opportunities after leaving and due to working mostly during the relationship, spend less time with children, if there are any.

This has nothing to do with domestic violence. What is your point here?

This means that police take the safer option and remove the man, rather than the woman, particularly if emotional abuse has occurred to the man, which is invisible.

The safe option is to remove the abuser. Police remove the man because they assume he is the abuser despite any and all evidence.

society as it is, facilitates men's self removal from a relationship, and is statistically less risky than women.

You have statistics for this? Please show them.

I cannot name one case in my experience where a non-violent man has gone to prison for family violence.

The poster said jail, not prison. This means that he was scooped up by law enforcement officers and held in detention.

In the United States, when male victims of domestic violence call the police, they are more likely to be arrested than their abusers.

Women do commit family violence, no doubt. But it is often in response, as data shows, to men's violence

Any data from the past five years will show that this is not the case. Even conservative estimates place men at 40% of domestic violence victims. The majority of domestic violence is reciprocal, however in the majority of non-reciprocal cases women are the aggressors.

We are talking about nearly 1 million male victims of domestic violence each year in the UK.

The way the industry (DV counsellors and shelters) and the media hand-waves away male victims is almost as disgusting as the way it ignores female aggressors.

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