IamA Professional Negotiator AMA! You may have seen me in subs such as r/negotiation where I have been a mod for nine years. Ask my anything about negotiation situations or skills.

I have been a contractor for 6 months. I expect to receive an offer letter tomorrow. I am at an under 300 person company that pays under market. I have the majority owners (husband and wife) in my corner as well as the CFO, CTO, and the owners of two companies we have partnered with. I am a direct report to the COO. He is the one I will be negotiating against. How do I demonstrate my existing value as well as the weight I take off his plate with out sounding condescending? Is there a baseline, percentage wise, of what i should counter offer? Can I hire you? I know exactly what his compensation package is so I figure that would be an advantage. I have a feeling their offer will not be close to where I am at, and I want to be best prepared.

/r/IAmA Thread