Ice first time injecting at difference in how to to do it compared to herion

Hey man appreciate the advice and ill take on board on what your Saying sorry of Main title of this threads sounds stupid I was going to try do it like man I would have been the biggest idiot luck I had someone help who’s far more experience than me thank good. Nah bro i gave the rest of the stuff to a friend for valis maybe not great but i think better I’m super keen to start this day program it will to focus on my issues ina postive environment. Thanks man for the solid adivce people are so messed up that my thread wasn’t worth reading that junkies don’t get better that’s someones saying 2022 im going to die in a open casket i was like wow people treat each other like Shit goodluck to anyone asking for advice on problems and you know what man I’ve seen with extreme habbits and they mange to their life around read the thread man if you want crazy people everywhere thanks to for the solid advice i was lucky too the equipment was and the dude was chilled In showing what to do anyways Thank man i appreciate the advice enjoy your Sunday

/r/Drugs Thread Parent