Ice is going to host MEXICAN ANDY but not basscornbread, or Dion

  1. You're actually like a 12 year old, no streamer is under any obligation to host someone just because they provide content on their own stream, it's entirely up to them who they host and no one ''deserves'' it.

  2. If you don't like Mexican Andy don't watch him, you're making it out as if you have to go and watch whoever Ice hosts, if you really think basscornbread and dion are better streamers YOU go and watch them it's not up to someone to host them so you can watch them that's entirely on you.

  3. Just because someone decided to quit their job to stream fulltime is fucking retarded and to try to blame that on Ice is retarded. If you quit your job to stream full time without having enoguh subscribers to survive that's your fault.

  4. Just because someone is down to collab again why are you making out like Ice has to do all of this, if they really wanted to get views on their stream, stick to streaming instead of providing content to Ice on is stream.

  5. You're acting like a little bitch

/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread