I'd like a critique of my ideas and a discussion on mechanics in stealth games

In that case, let me explain fully. Dishonoured is not a stealth game because at not a single point in my entire playthrough was I forced to avoid, reroute or time basically anything. See here and note how resolution and ghost have the same timestamp.

The ability to directly blink behind an enemy and perform a silent takedown meant that enemies I chose to subdue were incredibly easy to do so to, whenever I wanted, and I did not avoid them in any manner. I often was able to pass directly through their areas due to applications of blink. The relatively linear levels never presented any obstacle I had to route around, as with blink I was able to overcome all geographic and actor based obstacles and was not seriously forced to reconsider a route. I was never troubled by timing issues, as there were guard patrols which would have caused timing problems in other games, I simply blinked past them instead of having to calculate a period when I could move undetected.

I managed a perfect playthrough with little more than movement on foot and by blink from safe spot to safespot throughout the levels easily and silently subduing those few enemies which directly impeded me.

Now, on to Mark of the Ninja: It is actually hard to murder everyone. You can only do so from specific locations, or with timing for when guards are not observing each other. As a platformer puzzle game, the detection, vision and enemies are much more tightly controled by the designers and present an interlocking system which does force rerouting and avoidance as the player cannot directly attack enemies successfully, and tool use tends to alert enemies and trigger heightened alarm states. Finally, as a puzzle game, timing of movements and execution of plans is a major factor, bringing all three elements that you conclude stealth games require. Even in new game plus, when you have access to a blink skill, it is incredibly difficult to finish certain levels with both no kills and no alerts.

Actually, to bring another game into the mix, Deux Ex: Human Revolution has a similar move of play as to Dishonored, but with one crucial difference: No Blink. This immediate change forced avoidance and timing to reenter play. Rerouting was common as enemies moved around or were discovered, with few situations which allowed you to simply select one for removal and execute on it the way Dishonoured did.

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