I'd like a haircut for my birthday but have no idea what to do. I just want a big change! Any ideas?? Included previous styles too.

My birthday is coming up and I'm not sure what to do with my hair. I feel like I want it shorter than i've done it before but i'm not sure if it will suit my face shape. I'm not sure if I should grow out my fringe/bangs and get like a haircut that frames my face more or less. I know some of my ends are looking damn dry so they need to go.

I have thought about getting my hair dyed. I love balayage but I will hold that off until after covid as whilst I know its for me, its a bit lame to get new hair to just stay at home. At least with a cut (however short I get it) it'll probs be grown back before I see people regularly.

Tldr: I have no idea about what style, length I should get for a haircut.

/r/femalehairadvice Thread Link - reddit.com