I'd rather take a bullet please

You lost me here. In what way does white people taking up "blackness" get "cultural points"? Not sure in what situation where a white man wears traditional Nigerian garb and be praised for being "cultural", or be confused for being black.

Dolezal had to literally curl her hair, tan her skin, and mask her entire family history to pass as a black person. She's not a white person passing as a black person because she one day decided to. She had fabricate her entire person. And once she was outed, she was a laughing stock.

And there are literally people that intentionally try to escape their blackness thru changing their skin color, changing their hair texture (straightening for example), and surgery. Again, don't know anyone that is a similar case of 'transracial'.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it