Why is identifying as TRANSRACIAL not heckin valid?

I have absolutely nothing against abandoning racial categories entirely as they are mostly a form of social control in order to divide the working masses along artificial lines that don't exist. The problem I see coming up is people not understanding how different strata of people are made into underclasses, what the reasons for the existence of those underclasses are and what it takes to actually eradicate the inequalities these categories exist. You can say for example that Black Americans have up until recently been part of an oppressed nation as defined marxist leninists (think of Lenin, Stalin, Hoxha, Mao, etc.) deserving of national liberation.

As for trans people, I don't really care how people want to identify tbh. Being non-binary can definitely be influenced a lot by our current consumerist society but at least in my country people need to wait a year before they can actually get any hormone treatment, they are mostly made aware of other options such as therapy, social transition and so on. And hey, it seems like people who actually want to transition feel better afterwards when they do it socially and medically, of course there are going to be cases where that isn't the answer but I haven't seen a lot of weird stuff to suggest that there is some kind of trans epidemic about to happen where I live.

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