Idiots on bikes. Stay on the bike lane. I was beeping. Part 1

I am not sure if I am describing this correctly. There were cars behind me wanting to make the right turn as well and a whole group of these bike riders (5 or more) behind the ones you see in the clip. The others were riding closely behind one another. I would had to break for 10 or so riders to pass me on the right before I changed to the turning lane. That is more than a minute blocking the right lane. They had no intention of following the rules of the road as in the next clip (part 2 cut off by the dashcam as separate video file) they all decided it was time to run a red light as a group. In the clip you see the black car ahead in the center lane that also needed to make a right turn. They were kicked off the right lane to the center lane because the riders got too close to their car. Guess I shouldn't have cut this clip so short so you could see their complete asshole behavior before I went around them.

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