Idiots run out in front of semi truck, nearly get run over.

Oh my god where do I even start with this one.

Where ten thousand lives are taken daily. Ten thousand innocent lives slaughtered here. For no more than the taste buds of human kind of humans.

And a quick ass Google search shows that nearly 152 thousand people die every day. But you're not concerned with them. You're concerned with the lives of animals raised for slaughter instead of those who die in the most horrendous of situations. I mean, fuck, I'm an animal guy but if I get to the situation where it's another human being or an animal I'm sorry but the animal is getting it.

And it most certainly isn't just for the taste buds of people. Yes it is possible for people to get all the necessary proteins they need through plants but the industry right now most definitely can not support an overnight switch from people eating beef, chicken, and pork to soy beans. So it's either animals die while we convert or people die from starvation so that animals raised for slaughter can live out their lives.

Which also gets to the question of where all these animals would live. In the wild these animals generally need large spaces. How do we introduce them into the wild so that they don't immediately strip their immediate vegetation and eventually starve because the environment can't support them.

There's also another question of who is going to pay to have all these animals just housed while they live for god only knows how many years. I'm pretty sure the workers who do actually feed these animals aren't going to do this work for free because they need to feed themselves and their families.

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