Idk how much longer I can do this

Hello, calm down. You need to understand you are not alone, we all have such problems as you. I understand that everyday you get some anxious thing on your head, but remember it’s only in your head. If you can battle this and resist you already won, the fear will never disappear, but only if you heal, if you are a teen it’s normal to appear in puberty some great changes to anxiety, but remember it will not last forever, it will be good man, get some idea in your head, use ur anxiety to achieve your goals and remember you are not alone. Remember, if you get some problems right now, after you fight them, you will be a new person, the best version of yourself, if you get through this day with this Good Job, i’m proud of you, don’t lose hope and fight every day, and honestly , from my experience this doesn’t last, you will recognise it’s only you mind and you will become the owner of it, don’t let your mind control you, you control it ! I’m proud of you, keep it going !

/r/Anxiety Thread