Idk if this fits here but I found it in the wild and needed someone else to call it ridiculous with

My friend is a stay at home mom. It sounds like the worst day every day.

Like yeah, I work 10 hours a day, but I also have no kids and i can just nap or check out whenever I want.

But she feels obligated to take care of the kids 24/7 because her husband is working OT and is often tired. Even on vacations, he's fishing and drinking and she's Still taking care of the kids. one kid is acting out because the younger one gets all the attention, they never take naps at the same time, they won't eat the same thing the next day, and she also has to do All the laundry and cleaning between this. Her husband straight up said "I don't know how to do laundry." Well, buddy you better learn soon.

I take them whenever I can, just to give her a break (I do love the Muppets, of course).

I feel like there's no winning either way, because if she does go back to work, her entire paycheck goes to childcare, and she still has to pull her "second shift at home." so what's the point?

I feel for SAHMs, I do. It's mainly why I don't want kids tbh.

/r/NotHowGirlsWork Thread Parent Link -