If .05 isn’t about the money, then why don’t I see more legislators demanding that public transportation options and hours be expanded? Utah isn’t exactly a walkable place like Europe.

You're a terrible human

Geez, what's your problem, man?

No, let's not talk about the argument. I want to talk about why you're so angry that you feel the need to attack me personally over the argument.

Seriously. Why are you such a sad, angry little person that you can't just focus on the argument? Why do you need to throw personal insults in as well? Are you really so pathetic in real life that you get your jollies off by touting an opinion that's very popular in this sub and then insulting me, as if you have the moral high ground?

and you clearly don't favor democracy in any shape or form

I love democracy, bucko. I love it so much that I'm the only one here who actually supports it. If one person has a say in what the other 9 do, that is a dictatorship. If 4 people have a say in what the other 6 do, that's nothing short of an oligarchy. If 6 people have a say in what they, along with the other 4 do, that is democracy.

Of course, I'm not so pathetic as to call you an absolute moron for not understanding what democracy is. You don't know that we live in a democratic republic because you were told by your middle school teachers the other day that we live in a democracy. I'm not so pathetic as to stoop to your level and call you a terrible human being for supporting nothing short of a dictatorship, where the few govern the many.

If you don't support our laws, you can piss off, friend. If you don't like the majority, you should leave. Clearly it's not doing wonders for your mental health.

Are we done here? I'm done talking to somebody who would stoop to personal insults because he can't make a sound argument on the internet. If you don't support this state, leave. You aren't welcome here, despite what this subreddit says.

/r/SaltLakeCity Thread Parent