If 5 years ago you could see now you at this exact moment, what would you think?

This will get burried but in 2013 I hit maybe one of the lowest points of my life. I was fired from a job that just a year prior I had received a glowing review for. I was shocked, completely blindsided. I thought my career would never recover, my confidence was shattered. My wife supported me through it all. Without her, I don't know where I would be today. I worked terrible jobs for a few years, believing I was incapable of getting a good job because I must be terrible at anything having to do with my field. Slowly , I began to find myself getting opportunities I thought I would be rejected from. This culminated in me finally getting a job with a very large, well respected company in the industry. This job made me realize that my firing had been bullshit, that I actually was good at my job, and that I was dark better off having been fired than staying in my comfort zone in my old job. I feel confident again, like my opinion matters and that I have good instincts. I know it is only a job, and I shouldn't put my self worth entirely in my career, but it still is a huge morale boost to, five years later, know I was able to get out of a bad situation and put myself and my family in a better position.

I don't ever talk to anyone about this, and just wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks!

/r/AskReddit Thread