If you think about it, everything in this world is made of survival instinct

While this is true, I believe there are emergent things that this applies less to. Yes they ultimately can be traced back to something in our survival, but they take forms that exist despite a need to survive.

Now that we have an abundance of food, water, air conditioning, etc., we're far removed from the beings that existed in a time where life WAS survival. Through pseudo logic you can say that a subjective painting of a starry night is still about sex because the painter becomes more desirable because of it, but the thing exist in itself as well, and isn't "about sex". Survival is what tuned our subjective desire for certain color combinations or whatever, but here in the present moment we stand on a platform held up by those millions of years of evolution and our breath is taken away by the immensity of the universe and the beauty we feel from seeing it.

You have to set up parameters to make it so that what things are "about" is survival. But we aren't bound at the hip to what evolution "desires". There's an arbitrary factor at this point, because "survival" didn't account for becoming trivial.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread