If all people except Noah and his family died in the flood, are Indigenous peoples of Australia related to Noah? Are they Jews? And how did they got from Cannan to Australia?

What about these? Balayang, bat deity and brother of Bunjil

Binbeal, Kulin rainbow deity and son of Bunjil

Bunjil, Kulin creator deity and ancestral being, represented as an eagle

Bunyip, mythical creature said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes

Daramulum, southeast Australian deity and son of Baiame

Gnowee, solar goddess who searches daily for her lost son; her torch is the sun

Karatgurk, seven sisters who represent the Pleiades star cluster

Kondole, man who became the first whale

Lohan-tuka, wife of Loo-errn

Loo-errn, spirit ancestor and guardian of the Brataualung people

Nargun, fierce half-human, half-stone creature of Gunai legend

Pundjel, creator deity involved in the initiation of boys

Thinan-malkia, evil spirit who captures victims with nets that entangle their feet

Tiddalik, frog of southeast Australian legend who drank all the water in the land, and had to be made to laugh to regurgitate it

Waang, Kulin trickster, culture hero and ancestral being, represented as a crow

Wambeen, evil lightning-hurling figure who targets travellers

Western Australia

Bagadjimbiri, a pair of Karadjeri creator-spirits

Dilga, Karadjeri goddess of fertility and growth, and mother of the Bagadjimbiri

Julana, lecherous Jumu spirit who surprises women by burrowing beneath the sand, leaping out, and raping them

Kidili, Mandjindja moon deity who was castrated for attempting to rape the first women, who in turn became the Pleiades

Kurdaitcha (or kurdaitcha man) is a ritual "executioner" in Australian Indigenous Australian culture (specifically the term comes from the Arrernte people).

Ngariman, Karadjeri quoll-man who killed the Bagadjimbiri and was drowned in revenge

Njirana, Jumu deity and father of Julana

Ungud, snake deity associated with rainbows and the fertility and erections of the tribe's shamans

Wagyl, Noongar snakelike creator being

Wati-kutjara, a pair of western Australian lizard-men

Wondjina, Mowanjum cloud or rain spirits


Rainbow Serpent, a common feature of the art and mythology of Indigenous Australian cultures

Erathipa, central Australia, a boulder that has the shape of a pregnant woman


Kinie Ger, evil half-man, half-quoll beast

Thardid Jimbo, cannibalistic giant

Yara-ma-yha-who, monstrous bloodsucking dwarf

Bluetongue Lizard, an elderly trickster

Nogomain, a god who gives spirit children to mortal parents.

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