If anyone questions your sexuality because of what you wear and you don't know how to respond, "I'm confident in myself" is a good reply.

I left school around 6 years ago now. Attitudes have been changing since I first came out at age 14. I've seen the change. It went from openly hostile (getting the absolute shit kicked out of you, strangled, sexually assaulted, etc) to being somewhat neutral, to being far more friendly towards the end of my school years. Most of the girls were super accepting versus the guys. Guys are better about it now, though they still use gay as an insult negatively.

It's been refreshing to so things slowly but surely get better. The you get generations now are overall really open and accepting, even with some of the inner city youth being rougher. I've seen many openly flamboyant men, and more butch women, being out and open, and it's just nice to see people being happy.

/r/CasualUK Thread Parent