If you are in Gold 1 or lower - Stop surrendering


So, this Riven appeared, it was a ranked match. I was playing jungle as Vi, she tried to steal gromp on my first camp clear, then started to say that she needed to troll this game until we loose, because she was elojob and couldn't had many victories, apparently to avoid bans. Then walked straight to the enemy mid lane and gave a first blood. Then again in the bot lane to the enemy ad carry, and kept doing this the hole game. We tried at our max to make Riven stop, but she was convinced to lose the game. I did my first clear and went straight to top to keep the lane busy. The game lasted an eternity, the enemy team destroyed all of our structures, almost take our nexus (50% percent), but we didn't give up. We killed them when they lost focus and took two of their mid turrets. We keep saying that we could win if we worked together. Riven keep going to enemy team and dying, and we got it as a distraction, because some players on the other team decided to chase and kill her.

The last battle was exceptional, the enemy team came at us direction with a giant fury, running with blood in the eyes, they focused our only inhibitor that had just spawned, we jumped at them focused their carries and exploded them. We can't believe on the result, we won the fight, but our base was full of minions, there was only our nexus there. Our Graves and Orianna stayed there to protect it,I and Leona rushed to their motherfucking base, take down their mid turret and inhibitor. At this moment Orianna came to help us, Leona blocked the nexus turret until dying, then I started to block it. Their Gangplank spawned, him and Orianna died at the same moment. All that rest was their nexus. I punched that bitch with everything I had. Their Jungle and Support respawned and start to kick me, I flashed, jumped to every place I could to avoid them, and almost had a heart attack when I saw that I had destroyed their nexus. That was the most amazing game of my league of legends life.

TL;DR: Riven decided to troll the game to avoid an elojob ban. The remaining team members fought together, kept focused and on the last battle, we rushed to their base winning the game. 15,5k behind, no dragons, no baron, no structures on the base. Almost had a heart attack on the last minute.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread