If automation and corporate profits keep increasing...

as long as person a can product widget b and as long as people want widget b. perosn a will have a job.

I have seen so much waste in america it blows my freaking mind.

how many people do you know have "summer cottages"? how many peopel do you know have "summer cars"? and the people who do not have them why do they not have them?

the people who have money find something to buy! the people who do not have money find somethign to produce to sell to the people with money!

watch the movie "keeping up with the joneses" you will see. people if shown a cool new item to buy will buy it.

we will never out pace production with consumption!

anypone who thinks they cannot consume more is a fool! there is millions of more thiungs a person can consume that they do not know about!

hell legalize pot. and boom billions if not trillions of goods will be burned everyday!

hell legalize prostution and billions if not triollons of goods will be consumed each day.

hell leaglize space travel and billions if not trillions of goods will be consumed each day.

hell legaliz space collonzation . and ....

you see we are not going to run out of people willing to consume goods! we will never have too much production!

hell IIRC some corporations are sending year old cars out to the deserts to be stored. some comapnies are sending year old air planes out to the deserts to be stored. companies are consuming un godly amounts building iron grave yards!

tl:dr; ha i laugh at you you summer child! once you turn 30 and have some life experience. you will understand humans are fools and a fool and their money is easily parted and the government will give fools free money!

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