If you become rich and famous, what kind of skeletons in your closet should you be worried about? And what can you do to limit this happening?

I'm not saying all women lie, but a lot of women do make up shit about famous people - men OR women - for attention. It does happen a lot. Even at work, I had a girl make up shit about me (she said I was watching her through her webcams or something). It later turned out a) I was gay and b) she was insane and c) she didn't have a webcam on her computer. She was just trying to get me in trouble because I was promoted in her department. I barely knew her. Then she tried the same thing with 2 more guys and a woman, and was eventually fired. Before that, I used to believe all women. Then I saw there are crazy women people out there who make up shit to get people in trouble, even lowly office workers like me. So that must be maximized by a million if the person is famous/rich.

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