If Bernie wins Iowa, I will donate $500, if he wins by 10 points, I will donate $1000, if he wins by 20, I will max out. Who wants to join me on this pledge?

I wish I had an answer for you. I'm a pretty introverted person and socializing with people I don't know is almost painful. If it's any inspiration for you, I do have a small anecdote.

I have a step dad that my mother divorced a couple years ago. He's in his late 60s. I was already 18 by the time they got together and we don't really talk that much. He sends me emails every so often, the fw fw fw types and last week, the subject line of one of them caught my attention. It mentioned Obama and the first line of the email was, "Is there anything this fraud hasn't lied to us about?"

I won't pretend to know everything about the Obama administration, this is really my first time paying attention to politics, but this really irked me for some reason. I decided to confront him about it. He said I mistook him. That Obama has been detrimental and Clinton sold us out, but that Hillary is a liar and Bernie is a joke.

So, I turned to this subreddit asking for help, how to convince him to give Bernie a shot, and writing a long post and pasting his email text. When I checked back a few hours later, I figured out that my post had either been hidden or was spam filtered because it wasn't showing up in /new. I gave up on it and decided to try on my own.

Long story short, I told him that there's only one candidate that cares about veterans, the middle class, the poor, the minorities, and the elderly. The president can only accomplish so much, but that Bernie is the only one who will try. The next day he responded saying he had watch a few hours of Bernie stuff and really likes the guy.

I take it as a personal triumph given my mannerism, that I did what I did, but the gist is: get them to listen just for a minute and Bernie sells himself.

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