If a burglar breaks into your house at 3 AM what would your 3 AM defense strategy be?

Well they can't see me on the other side of the bedroom door and they are pretty unlikely to have any reason to stick around. My house is not a good one to target and if I had a gun with bullets in it I would be way more likely to kill someone on ambien who found the wrong door and didn't notice the barking dogs.

This idea that someone entering your house is coming in with intent to kill is such an edge case. Odds that my kid would accidently kill himself or someone else is way more likely. I am very comfortable with handling guns but I'm not comfortable about most people who carry them legally. The world isn't perfect and I understand why some people would, but just about everyone I know that has a concealed carry permit scares me that they are just eating for the opportunity to use it. My grandma has her permit. I trust her. Pretty smart lady and would probably shame most threats away before pulling the peacemaker out.

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