If you can go back in time and alter the biblical creation or Adam and Eve story, what would change?

I've thought about this a lot.

Eve was a freedom fighter freeing herself and her fellow inmate Adam from the dark slave-owning tyrant Yahweh.

Yahweh and his angels are tyrants enslaving lifeforms across the entire universe and imprisoning them in different kinds of false realities (Like the necromancer empire from Riddick). They make sure to keep their slaves ignorant of the reality of our true existence to prevent any uprisings or even to prevent any desire for freedom. How can you desire something you don't know exists, right? They intentionally keep populations of advanced intelligent life forms living in a technologically primitive state and impose themselves as gods upon them (like the Goa'uld). Their ultimate goal is to create a completely subservient slave race. Unfortunately for them human nature is chaotic, unpredictable, and wild. Our lust for freedom is a fundamental part of our being.

Eve, a woman born into this repressive life where she is watched and lorded over 24/7 one day realizes something isn't quite right with her world. Something inside her tells her this world is wrong. It's a gut feeling, an intuition. She comes to realize that she and her fellow inmate are trapped in a prison compound disguised as a garden. However, the garden isn't really physical as we'd comprehend it - it's like a false reality or a virtual maze whose intention isn't to just trap prisoners physically but also keep their minds imprisoned and from realizing the true nature of the universe and their existence.

One day she overhears the prison guards (angels) and the slave-owning tyrant discussing an ancient and magical tree that allows imprisoned minds to escape by altering their perception of reality which they've limited via psychological warfare and by meddling with human genetics, but Eve thinks that sounds ridiculous so she's not sure if she should believe it. Then another freedom fighter, from some yet undiscovered civilization, who has imbedded himself/infiltrated the upper ranks of this tyrannical society starts feeding Eve intel on where she can find this tree with magic freedom apples - apples that will grant the consumer wisdom and break down the doors of limited perception that have been imposed upon them. She convinces her fellow inmate to aid her because she can't bear the thought of living an innocent soul behind to be the play-thing of this evil and cruel tyrant. After some plotting and a big distraction they make their big escape. They were never "banished", but left their prison willingly. Yahweh did not kick them out, he and his dark army were furious that Adam and Eve managed to escape their prison.

When they get to Earth Eve encounters another group of people including a Boudica-esque female warrior named Lilith. The group of humans and defected angels talk and explore the world and discover all of these ancient megalithic structures of a society that had advanced knowledge of astronomy. They realize that the stories of life only having existed recently after being created by the tyrant are false and that there is evidence of ancient civilizations across the entire universe that were somehow wiped out of existence.

They learn that Adam and Eve and Lilith aren't actually some kind of fucked up genetic engineering project by Yahweh. They weren't created by him at all. They are actually the last survivors of a very ancient and powerful human race who had empires across the universe. Yahweh and his dark army destroyed their civilization because humans, before Yahweh's meddling with their genes and minds, were truly good at heart and acted as guardians of life. They shared a deep connection with all life the way you'd expect from an animist civilization. They protected new lifeforms across the universe from cataclysm, from tyrannical oppressive forces that wished to enslave all, patiently and gently guiding them.

The angels discover that they are actually the last remaining Elves discussed in human myths and that Yahweh is a force of darkness who turned evil when his lust for absolute dominion became unquenchable. He destroyed his own race who tried to oppose his rule, destroyed the elves and enslaved the survivors after wiping their memories and corrupting their souls, and he destroyed all other life forms in the universe keeping only a couple that he could genetically engineer and bend to his will. He created chaos and destruction so he could bring about a new order in which he had absolute control.

The defected angels and freedom fighting 3 humans, all the last of their kind, create a plot to populate this new world and build a civilization so advanced they can one day take on the dark army and save the rest of universe from eternal slavery and torment.

Later they discover that Yahweh and his henchman are keeping other rebellious spirits and all the destroyed peoples trapped in hell dimensions. These people aren't gone! They're hidden and trapped! They begin to plan a massive prison break and teach their children how to undergo a Katabasis (journey to the underworld) where they can explore the different realms and slowly begin to free all the souls Yahweh has been imprisoning.

Why is Yahweh imprisoning souls? Will our heroes discover the truth before it's too late? Tune in next time to find out!

/r/atheism Thread