If you can speak Hebrew and English please help

Hello, fellow Christian here, I just wanted to say that this sub is about academic Bible studies, it's not supposed to be neither in favor, nor against any kind of spiritual beliefs, most of the users on this comment section are recommending to you academic translations because they're usually not Christians, subreddits that would be great for you to ask this would be /r/TrueChristian, /r/Christianity (not always), and /r/AskTheologists.

Either way, I assume that you grew up in a King James Only Baptist church, or something of that sort? it's late here in my country so I can type this in more detail and coherence tomorrow, but the short summary is, the KJV is good as a piece of English language poetry, literary history, nostalgia for older generations, and Anglo-American culture, but as a Bible translation, it's pretty incorrect and inaccurate most of the times.

Though this is not the fault of the translators (at least sometimes), it's just a consequence of the time period that they lived in, they relied on corrupt manuscripts that were the only manuscripts who were available for a Bible translator in the early 17th century, compared to all of the extensive breakthroughs in Bible scholarship that have occurred since then.

Also, I think that I misunderstood the title of your post, the Bible was written in two languages, the Old Testament was written in Hebrew (with some of Daniel in Aramaic), and the New Testament was written in Greek, I'd recommend the NET Bible if you want notes that explain the contents in-depth.

As someone who has spent years browsing KJV-Onlyist websites and material, I think that some of their apparent praise towards the KJV doesn't comes from they believing it to be the most accurate, it comes from both a sense of conspiracy fears that there is an organized evil cabal that wants to alter the Bible, and also because they don't want to get rid of their long-standing Anglo-American Bible.

It's always American Fundamentalist conspiracy theorists who hold to that KJV-only thing, probably related to the USA's religious traditions that don't exist elsewhere, I'm Brazilian and I find it very amusing to see people who are unaware that a world outside of their country exists.

There are some KJV-Onlyists who believe that the KJV is the only inspired Bible and all Bibles in all languages should be translated from the KJV English, I don't know, but it's funny when you see people like this, heh.

God bless from your fellow brother.

/r/AcademicBiblical Thread