If you can’t take 3 months without dating you have a problem

Yeah, Sure you're not that person....Impossible to tell because all the comments are deleted.

well i'm the second person you mistook for the person you were originally in an argument with aren't i?

Yes, i do know what I posted, and I know how you are trying to twist my words around to make me sound like an asshole.

twisting what? you literally just admitted you barely care about your friends. i'm telling you that it's super weird to rant about how being friends before dating is some super great strategy when you don't even care about people you're friends with, how would this possibly ever work for you?

i mean we both know it hasn't, because you haven't even had a relationship, so why are you acting arrogant and like a know it all when it comes to dating? do you see how insane you appear?

I never claimed to be someone who would one day end up in a romantic relationship. I highly doubt it is in the cards for me....

yeah i mean idk, you're super mean to people on reddit (you even harassed a guy who said his gf died or something and kept being an asshole about it?), you don't care about your friends, and you have a huge chip on your shoulder.

I can be a loveless weirdo and still make observations about life.

except when people tell you their experiences you just ignore them and continue acting like a know it all, so i really, really doubt you look at life in a non biased way enough to extrapolate meaningful data.

you literally told someone that the fact their relationships ended means that they couldn't have loved their gf or had a close connection, even though you've never been in one and know nothing about what it's like to be in one first hand.

some things we have to learn from experience, especially when it's someone like you just ignores everything that doesn't fit with their world view.

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