“If Clinton is the Democratic nominee and she ends up under indictment, the result will be a right-wing extremist in the White House.”

This is absolutely true and is an annoyance. My SO is 25, I'm 27, and this is her first time being involved in politics at all, has never considered voting even (her previous exes are dumb conspiritards). And now, totally autonomously she's decided to read newspapers frequently (okay well I take a bit of credit for harping here), stay informed, read terrific political nonfiction books, decided she loves everything Sanders stands for, has donated and even took me along to an organizing rally the morning of Valentine's day and has phonebanked.

But this is her big misconception that I hear and read others share: that Hillary will intentionally work against this country or is some horrible candidate. Clinton wasn't wrong when she said during a recent debate that many many politicians give highly paid speeches. We all know this, especially with former presidents. Many attacks on her are absurd and the fear of her nomination is too.

This is the real issue: it isn't that she's some fake and a liar or whatever other nonsense is being spewed, it's that what she will bring is what we've generally come to expect from the Democrats. And four more years of the status quo is four more years of regression, a further entrenchment of protections for the billionaire class, and resultantly an erosion of the hope of leading a really terrific middle class life. What kind of fucked up country is this that we're actually debating worker protections and paid sick and family leave and the idea of as immediately as possible offering all people health care or that the minimum wage is not a living wage and the median wage, without worker protections, without vacation time, is absolutely inadequate to survive yet we take it as a given that this or that corporation and the wealthiest will receive welfare from whoever may be elected president.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - chicagotribune.com