If you could go back and choose a different MOS...

I had a dream I got kicked out of the army. I got back home and joined the Air Force and went to their basic training the next day. I went through the whole basic training in my dream. It was so fucking easy holy shit. I was so happy it was like a huge weight was lifted off my chest I wasn't angry all the time because I had to go work long hours in the motorpool anymore. I would finally be somewhere my knowledge and leadership skills would take me far because of my experience of working in the army. But then I woke up still "deployed" ( in field duty status in Poland). From what I first got from my dream was that I really wished I joined the Air Force It would be so easy. But the more I thought about it being in the army and my mos(91B) have given me a lot of leadership skills that are going to very valuable to me when I get out of the army. Because I know I have what it takes to get any job done and I won't settle for anything less than I know I'm worth. So with that being said I don't wish I could go back a chose a different mos. I wish that I could go back and accept that sometimes you get the green fat cock of the army but this is going to be worth it. Just take as much knowledge and resources you can from the army and jump ship before you keep reenlisting and end up doing more time in than the army than needed.

/r/army Thread