If you could bring back or undo any feature, what would it be?

I wouldn't undo garrisons but more so reform them. Having them more as a guild type of thing would likely be better, sort of like the guild hall from guild wars 1. I'm sure Blizz could polish it up and add some more features.

Add back flying, people say its to "immerse you in the world" well that's cool and all for the first time through the zone, now I just fly everywhere and alt-tab for 2 minutes. So immersed.

they need to take a step back on professions, or maybe multiple. Someone already said it but the way crafting was in BC was probably my favorite.

I'd probably remove both mythic and LFR. Just have normal and heroic. That or go back to how Ulduar was designed. LFR was for people who couldn't afford to have a set schedule for raiding because of IRL, but with the new group finder (Which I love) that no longer seems necessary. And honestly going through 4 difficulties when hitting 100 on a new character isnt fun at all. Normal and Heroic just seem so unnecessary. It's literally the same thing with just higher numbers. Mythic I dislike the 20 man roster lock, I understand why they did it for balancing, but it completely sucks ass on small servers.

Implement a good world pvp zone. I liked wintergrasp, Tol Barad was meh and Ashran now is just shitty. I think the whole pvp system in general needs an overhaul but that's just me.

Finally, add back dailies. I sometimes wonder if blizzard plays their own game. It's fun that the most effective way to get gold is either play the AH or go back to old content and farm raids. Here's my experience going from 90-100 and then the max level content for the next month or so afterwords. So I hit 100 day 1, I then proceed to finish all the quests in all the zones because I don't like to leave stuff incomplete, I then go around collecting treasure and killing rares to upgrade my garrison. I did some mining because for the first 3 days it was like 6k for 200 ore... I build a bunch of those rockets that you shoot for 50k damage and managed to get to 680 something engineering in no time and then finish it with my cogs after a few days. I spend the next month or so making myself a 3/3 gun for raiding. and by spend I mean I go to my garrison mine and engineering hut everyday for work orders without having to go out and "immerse" myself. I did my apexis dailies for the first 5 days for my legendary quest along with the dungeons necessary and got my 680 ring. Got to around a 632 ilvl before highmaul came out. It took me a while but only because I had to keep running the same instances over.. and over.. and over because blizzard figured that they should have these huge loot tables with all these randomized stats so I kept going till I got some decent ones. I tried some ashran which was populated at the time but it mostly consisted of us always in the horde base camping everyone.

So basically I got everything done in the first 5 days or so. I had no need to do the apexis dailies because why bother for the gear in Stormshield when it takes 56,500 crystals JUST for the head to get to 675 (which im not even sure they had at the time so it may have been 655 which would replaced in no time in highmaul because the gear also had shitty stats) I got the gear from heroics pretty quick but I kept running them just to get the most optimized pieces since they took reforging out, that was a lot of fun. Ashran was a boring slaughterfest. So all I had really to do was just sit in my garrison at this point doing my profession stuff only because I wanted a 660 gun going into Highmaul, that and followers for Caches. I will perfectly admit that I play a lot and I rushed through the content, but I shouldn't run out of the content and stuff to do this quickly. At first looked like this would be the best expansion since BC and Wrath, but then there was no follow up. It's like reading a paper with a great into paragraph then the body of the paper is empty. And this isn't the first time I've rushed through content either, I got realm first 85 back in Cata and almost 90 in MoP. I also played at the start of Wrath (though not as hardcore). The difference is in those expansions I was still doing stuff at day 5. Here in WoD I was bitching in trade chat about how there was nothing to do now, of course everyone said I was a liar at the time because they went at a much slower pace, but now we're at the point we've reached now and everyone has the same mindset. It's also sad when blizzard has to delay the first raid by 2-3 weeks (I can't remember the exact date Highmaul came out) and BRF by 3 months even though both were in the beta, just so they can spread the content out more so people won't quit as quickly, not only that, but 6.1 didn't have jack shit for content in it either, blizzard basically passed BRF on like it was some new content when it should have been there from the start. I think the only thing I haven't done yet is the reputations because who really wants to sit in the middle of no where just grinding mobs when all you get for exalted is a shitty reskinned mount with shitty running animations. Nah, we gotta save the cool mount ideas to get a quick $25 says Blizzard. It just seems like Blizzard doesn't even care anymore and milking all it can. I don't even spend money on this game anymore and just buy the tokens, and the only reason I do that is because spending a night with 15-25 good friends with similar interests to you, laughing and BSing is some of the funnest times I have. Because that's what a MMO is, a massive multiplayer online game. Blizz needs to remember that fact and make it feel like one again.

/r/wow Thread