If you could make one thing that is currently legal illegal, what would it be?

Are election results should be the result of voters that actually know what they're voting for. We should give a small exam to voters before they vote to weed out ignorant votes. When we move to more electronic voting systems, this will be even easier to do

Questions can be simple. Match the candidate to a specific policy they campaigned on. To eliminate bias in polling, let the candidates submit their own facts for review ahead of time to a polling board that approves facts that are informational about their polices and rejects facts that are just rhetoric.

Facts can be simple. "Wants to creates this type of tax," "wants to increase spending on this," "wants to abolish this," etc... Questions that anybody that wasn't living under a rock during the campaign or read an article or two before voting could answer.

We already do this in other forms of polling and surveys. Some questions are designed to test if the user's data should be used or thrown out. Why are we not doing this with voting?

The answer is that some people and groups profit off ignorant votes. They're the ones who try to stop it. We also have that clause that says everyone has a right to vote and this would prevent some from voting.

The only difference is that it is not discriminatory and doesn't target any specific group. Everybody has an equal opportunity to learn what they need to pass.

I would hope that this type of change would not only provide more representational voting results, but also change the way candidates campaign when they realize they can't pander to the ignorant.

/r/AskReddit Thread